Support For Your Soul’s Journey

Offering support through family constellation facilitation, intuitive bodywork, and lifestyle consults.


Guiding You Home

I am here to walk with you as you journey through the layers of your soul, supporting you as you connect with your body and your true self.

After a decade of navigating the mainstream medical system as a patient, I felt lost and realized that it didn’t feel good to be in my body. I began searching for another way and through nutrition, lifestyle changes, bodywork, and guidance from Spirit I found my way back to myself. In 2016, I made the courageous decision to leave a sixteen-year corporate career to pursue my passion as a healing facilitator. I am profoundly grateful for the bravery that brought me to this fulfilling work.

I look forward to connecting with you!


Learn more about my story by listening to my interview on Transformation Talk Radio’s The Empower Me Show with host Pam Bright, recorded in May 2022.